Where have I been?!
There was mall-going. There was football-watching. I beat my parents at Scrabble. And I'm not gonna lie -- there was some QT with theAmish.

Don't scoff. They cook a mean fried chicken!
On Monday I went back to the godforsaken job, thereby percipitating a bit of a lull until Wednesday, which saw excitement in the form of an International Center training session (I love volunteering there already) and an OK Go concert at Irving Plaza.
OK Go were, quite simply, delightful. Their studio recordings are no match for the live show, at the very least because you're not treated to the sight of their impeccably dressed hipster roadie slinking about the stage when you're listening to a CD. And the band does a choreographed dance to close the show. There is no way to describe the awesomeness of this dance. It must be witnessed firsthand.
Then on Thursday I watched Cyrus carve a pumpkin because I hate using big knives, and then I toasted and ate the seeds. Friday I saw Shopgirl and got drunk and played Skee-ball. Saturday was a day of Brooklyn fun. And that pretty much catches you up to today.
It's very sad, but Halloween shenanigans this year have been minimal. Seems like everyone decided to take this year off -- therefore, there was no point in investing much time and money into costume design and procurement. I did, however, buy the wig portion of my costume before the lack of party options became apparent, so I'll be wearing that tomorrow night.