Action figures -- now with more action!

Go see The 40-Year-Old Virgin. For real. It's the funniest movie of the year. But is it funnier than Wedding Crashers? everyone seems to ask me. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. And it's just so sweet, too.
One of the main traits of Steve Carell's hapless character is that he owns a lot of action figures, and they're displayed all around his apartment. He collects them and lovingly refurbishes them when they need a new coat of paint (or when he's bored on a Friday night). This is presented as a corollary to virginity: the amount of action figures collected and displayed around a grown man's apartment is inversely proportional to the number of chicks said dude might bed. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to tell you this is not necessarily true, and I have heard it disproved with my own ears. Witness the following overheard conversation:
A Saturday night/ Sunday morning at 3AM.
Tipsy girl: Heehee. So this is your apartment.
Friend of mine who will remain nameless: Yep, come on in.
Girl: have a lot of action figures.
Friend: Yeah...I have more in my room.
Footsteps, followed by shutting of door.
And it WORKED! Can you believe that? Clearly alcohol was at play, but still. Adult comic book geeks of the world, take heart -- subtle wordplay may be your saving grace.
There now. Don't say this blog never lived up to its name.
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