"I wish we WERE yuppies!"
Ever read the headline of one of those newsmagazine "trend" pieces and go, "oh crap, I bet that's me"?
The Rise of the 'Yupster' - Newsweek Periscope - MSNBC.com
As it turns out, I'm not a yupster. I do own music by Sufjan Stevens, but I've never set foot inside a Land Rover. (Luckily, the article says nothing about Anthropologie.)
"Young, upwardly mobile, professional...those are good things, not bad things!"
The Rise of the 'Yupster' - Newsweek Periscope - MSNBC.com
As it turns out, I'm not a yupster. I do own music by Sufjan Stevens, but I've never set foot inside a Land Rover. (Luckily, the article says nothing about Anthropologie.)
"Young, upwardly mobile, professional...those are good things, not bad things!"

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